Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday has Begun..........

It is a bleak looking sky as we were overcast a few days ago.  Today we are cold but the sky is pretty clear.  I like it better when we are having bright days.  The birch in the photo has weathered well through the winter.  The red maple to the left will be leaving us soon as the city will be cutting it down.

I found another sign of spring in the yard yesterday.  The ferns are starting to develop green sprouts that I suppose won't be shooting up for another month. We are still having freezing temperatures but the ferns are tough and have been through many tough winters.

The donkey planter is looking over the tomato seed packet.  I think he thinks it is time to put the seed into the starter pots.  I declared that I might not do this tomato thing this year.  As I walked through the kitchen this packet was laying on the floor.  It mush have fallen out of a basket that holds envelopes and papers and things.  I don't know why it landed on the floor but I am going to blame gravity.  I just felt the envelope and I feel maybe four or five seeds inside.  Maybe I will plant up only the leftover seed that I can find from last years plantings.

I am home today and seem to be busy fixing things.  I replaced the inside mechanism of the toilet and it seems to be working good again.  I am using the old flapper as the new one in the package doesn't know the toilet is very old. I am heading to fix a leaking faucet now with some new washer.  You can buy washers for repair and they sell you more than a dozen kinds.  I will have to search through them to find just the right one.

We are living with the sounds of chain saws today and choppers.  They will take a couple of weeks to get to all of the trees down.  I hope all is well with everyone


  1. WE have rain and more to come with cold temps
    We are seeing more spring plants coming up and the tulip
    trees are blooming. Got to get photo's when this rain moves out.

  2. We are dreary too, so sad about your trees:(

  3. My grandma used to have one of those little donkey planters, I'm wondering what ever happened to it now. There are signs of spring all around us here too.
