Friday, February 26, 2016

No More Drama on the Trees......

The yard is raked, the stumps are gone and there is this desert-like quality to the place when you look out there. I have not actually gone out to see the final look.  I know it is strange to look out the window and see rows of many trees across the street, not one of them disturbed. It is like the twilght zone. Our house in the most part will have the house and yard in full sun now all summer.  I am glad we have our birch and balsam pine next to the house. Our two neighbors north and south have nothing in their yard.

The photo above is of a light fixture at the school.  There is a floating panel to create a ceiling above the concession stand area.  The lights are inserted to make a neat design of a dozen lights for the area.

I took a few photos at school this morning while I was wandering. This hallway connects a set of classrooms.  The gym is to the right of this hallway.  One lone senior, Nick, is doing some alone time in the hall waiting for his first class of the day.

The commons area outside of the gym has a very high ceiling.  A few years ago I was subbing and my janitor friend got permission from the "powers to be" to pull me from the classroom.  He and I road the x scissors lift up very high to apply this decal.  The lift did a lot of swinging but I did get use to it.  We stood hip to hip leaning over that projecting roof and unraveled the backing away from the hawk.  The mural was done by a student and it really was not such a great design but the wrestling program is promoted by it being there.

They are nothing like my goldfish in my tank but I do like the label on these packages.  I think I have tasted them before from a sample at the store.  They try to sell healthy things at the coffee shop like things that are not loaded with sugar.  They do sell oatmeal packets for people to eat for breakfast.

It is all about high school math today.  I know that they have work in progress so they are finishing it very early.  It all works ok as long as everyone behaves.

I am looking forward to the weekend.  I think we will warm up some before our next snow storm moves in on Wednesday.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Sending warm weather your way or maybe you are sending it to me:)

  2. That is cool you have things to keep you occupied in your senior time. Plus going up so high.

    And your a teacher in art. Oh wow. How interesting.

    My oldest son enjoyed his art teacher. He graduated with honors from University. Now I call him an old man at 52.

    Still working as a Graphic artist. Doing food commercials Graphic like Cereals. popcorn adverts designs. Keep him busy.

    He had all his climbing up the business ladders to the Junior to the Senior positions.

    Now since the young graphic artists have arrived. It is a whole new ball game.

    They are so advanced and they think they have become pretty cheeky attitudes. The know it all's.
