Sunday, February 28, 2016


I bought some of these seeds today.  I will dig through my pile to see what leftover seed is in my storage boxes. It is time to get them started and I will do some.  My bedding container is out in the garden shed. I don't know what I will use for soil but it may be the real kind of soil and not potting soil.  I didn't buy potting soil.

This iris shoot looks promising.  Now the trees are gone it will be in full sun.  The south side of house foundation should be warmer and cause things there to bloom earlier this year.

The vinca stays green most of the winter under the snow. It has the shiny leaves that show up well in spring among the leaves.

It isn't as cold today but the wind is blowing hard and it makes it feel cold anyway.  I lost my bird feeder this afternoon as the wind sent it to the ground. I didn't realize the bird feeder still in tact is shown below.  It is in a few pieces now so I will have to rework it again. I think we will be a little warmer tomorrow with less wind. It isn't normal weather but it will snow soon again.  I seem to blog late this day but I did finally get something up.  It is nice to get it finished for today.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. That Iris looks promising.

    Not to worry sooner or later we must have Spring.
