Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thursday's the Day.......

I am assuming the male cardinal is off at someone's luxurious sunflower seed feeder.  This female has rarely been around but was out during the last of the storm yesterday.  I had just dropped off a fresh batch of seed and she sat in the pile and ate seed.

I am thinking this is the pine siskin again.  I am glad to see it out there.  The coloring on sparrows just are not this fancy. As I looked them up on the net I see they can put out some yellow color on the edge of some of the bottom of wing feathers and chest.

The day before yesterday these pines were heavy with frozen rain. Then there was  the melting for a short period of time.  That allowed the branches to raise back up and then the snow collected. All of those pine trees planted close together look like a mini forest area. It has stayed cold enough for the snow to stay right on the trees.  We are to warm up to 29 today which might let some of the sun rays work on the evaporation of the snow.

A random shot of the street across the way shows the iced conditions on the road before it was dumped on with 8 inches of snow. We get our mail from a box up at the pos toffice while our neighbors get theirs by rural free delivery.

I will finish off the blog with a photo of buttons.  I know that doesn't make sense but I was digging through the button box again.  These are very old buttons. I remember them from when I was a kid 50 plus years ago. The green one with all the vegetables on fruit on it seems unusual.  The red flower ones look to be very old.

The ear ring, clip, is a 50's thing of back when my mom had a full set of colored caps. The variety of plastic caps was used  to make her ear rings to match the color of her dress.  I remember the pale green or blue  ones.  I also know there were pink ones too.  The white one is a loner in the box and I am not sure how it ever got into the button box.

The weather is the talk of the day as we are to get snow again tomorrow.  Kids have been out of school for two days in a row so it is wild behavior, excitement, as the standard norm from the students.  I am head high school special education teacher today, with this being my first day of work this week. It is hard to come back for me as a teacher too with all the days off but I am getting use to it. I will be in the junior high for my Friday assignment.

I hope all are feeling well and the weather does not have you down.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I enjoy seeing your birds and the pines covered with snow. When John and I watch the country's forecast each day, we remember to check on conditions in your area. We had a lot of rain yesterday, so much so, that we are having to get the yard guy to help us with a project to direct water away from the house. Today was sunny but windy. I hope you are feeling stronger from the virus and that you both will have a peaceful weekend.

  2. Yes those red buttons are all old, along with the pink one and the little green one. I have never seen the other green one.
    I had not thought of those plastic caps that you could change colors of earrings for years. My Mom and Aunts all wore them a couple of years.
    Hope you are staying warm:)

  3. Larry, you have us beat so far in the snow accumulation, but we are supposed to get a few inches overnight and into Friday here in Nashua, NH. I liked seeing the button collection and it brought back memories of ones my mother had in her button collection, all of those are long gone now.
