Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thursday's Stuff........

This is what greets me early in the morning most every morning.  If I am already scheduled for work I don't have to open up the computer.  This morning I didn't have work and Button wanted to go outside.  It was 5:15 and my cell photo had alerted me to the openings.  I went to the computer and chose 6th grade reading over band. I really like working with 6th graders as they seem eager to learn.  The blue squares are jobs that I have already accepted. When there is an opening and I am free, I will see green squares on the day that there is work to accept. Hopefully I can immediately click on it to accept it before some one else does.

The roses have become close to being spent.  My wife saves the dry rose heads and puts them in containers or a box.  These roses like all roses are all shipped in from South America in the millions of flowers. I saw a piece about it last year and they box them and ship them all crammed together and packed by the box load.

This was in my classroom yesterday when I worked there. I think it is a nice statement to say in a classroom.  The problem is when a student decides to drop out of the construction process altogether. It does take a student's cooperation in getting an education and it can not be forced.

All of the ice is gone on the roof eaves.  We are going to have about 5 days or more of good thawing. I know it isn't the last of our snow for the winter but we have had the present snow on the ground most of the winter. I would like to regroup and have a clear space to start the next snow scenes out there.

A photo from the past few weeks that I didn't share until now. The snow village will remain up for a while longer.  I turn some of the houses on at night and use them for a night light in the dining room.  If we have to get up it isn't pitch black in there as we walk through to the kitchen.

I am in the 6th grade room and I start off reading from a book to them.  They really like to be read to at all the middle school grade levels.  It is kind of a nice thing for kids to learn to listen and behave. The teacher reads a different book to each of her three sections so she won't get board from reading the same thing each day.

I hope all is well with those of you out there that follow this spot. I know some are having more winter weather than the wish to have and others are thawing out like us.  I appreciate you stopping by today.


  1. Didn't realize the work opportunity system would be so computerized.

  2. Thawing here is about time! I am certain like you that winter is not over yet. I love being read relaxing. I would have chosen the reading class over band too:)
