Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday's News Report

We still have one squirrel.  He came to stuff shelled corn in his mouth and it appears he is chewing up some of it.

He lives in our last big tree.  He travels over our roof of the house, gets on the yard fence and walks it all around through backyard trees to get to the feeder.  If it is a female squirrel we should have more squirrels soon.

The feeder activity is not so busy but I do get a few shots once in a while. The dove really is a peace filled bird as it really doesn't care about the sparrows.

I keep sharing the female cardinal shot as the bird allowed me to take so many good photos.

I shared some prints earlier but didn't realize that I had better shots sitting in my iPhoto app. I will share the experience of the I Max theater on another blog. It is an amazing screen and technology that gives one such a great experience when viewing the movie.

I am in the 6th grade room today teaching Literacy. We hit proper word use and correct punctuation along with reading with good comprehension in this class.  I have three blocks of students that come in and spend an hour and a half with me doing their lessons and reading.  It is a wonderful day today.  It is a good day for a Monday and I hope it stays this good until I get home. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. A good day is always appreciated! English was never one of my best subjects can't you tell:)

  2. We had our own female cardinal today. First I've seen her this year. Your photos are really nice. I like dove's a lot too. They come to our garden often. I put water on the ground specifically for them.
