Thursday, March 17, 2016

Moved from yesterday's Photo a Day.......

It is a "not so focused" photo but you do get the picture, as they say. A few of the goldfinches were scrapping among themselves trying to get to the seed sock. I was having camera troubles with a wrong setting and the day was low light and foggy.  Shooting through glass requires editing the shot to get rid of the glass effect and I also had to turn the blue photo back to it true colors.

A modern outer space shot of the tomato starts shows they are growing quickly.  I have to keep turning them as they want to lean towards the light.

As proof that I can still work the camera, I will share the plants in focus.  I need to go back and see when I planted these but they sure germinated quickly. I got the plastic cover on them to keep in the moisture and already the are too tall for the cover.

I planted roma tomatoes at the other end of the flat two days ago and their is one that is sprouted already. We are going to be having freezing night temperatures in the next few days so we won't be putting stuff in the ground for quite a while.

Through the power of positive thinking I am hoping to see this red lilac in bloom this year.  I have babied it for quite a few years now and I think this must be the year for blooms. It is now in full sun as everything is in the backyard, so maybe it will happen.  I watch it daily to see it open.  All of the lilacs are budded now and the honeysuckle is putting out leaves.


Proof of leaves is shown here from a photo that I took a few days back.  It seems to be a muddy mess out there. The wind and cold air is helping to dry things up but the grass is not anxious is a lot of the areas of the yard.

The two squirrels that we still have left are glad to know that I bought them shelled corn.  I filled their feeder this morning so they should be back to eat again.

It is Wednesday and the weather keeps changing for the bad.  It should not act like spring and then turn cold. I am hoping we don't get a freeze in town as I have so many green things sprouted. I wanted to rake off leafs from the flower beds but that is on hold for now.  The days are longer and I will have another day to do that.

Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. You have buds already!! We turned cold and snow came to visit us again:(
