Sunday, March 27, 2016


The two birds seem to be in harmony as long as they stay opposite each other on the seed sock. I looked out this afternoon and it looks like I need to fill the sock up again already.

We bake a cake for each other on our birthdays.  The birthday person gets to pick the cake and frosting  also.  I chose strawberry cake with strawberry frosting,   It is so good to eat.  We have cut into this yesterday and more will be eaten today.

My wife took some photos of the goldfinch that were out at the feeder yesterday.  They are changing to yellow pretty quickly.  I hope to keep feeding them so I can get a clear photo of them in complete yellow garb.  They are a pretty bird.

Thank you for stopping in today.  I hope your day has been a good one.


  1. Happy Birthday! Your cake looks great! Happy Easter! :)

  2. Fun to see the various birds that visit your yard. Your cake looks delicious! I have been known to have a piece of birthday cake with coffee for breakfast!

  3. Happy Late Birthday! I love strawberry cake too. I am so sorry I have been so remiss in visiting...there's so much going on in my life right now. I look forward to getting settled in my new home in Oregon in a few months and having some time to visit my neglected blogger friends! Thanks for coming by and making comments on my posts!
