Saturday, March 12, 2016

Saturday Skies.............

Sunrises like this will make daylight savings a little bit more tolerable. We are supposedly going to have rain and then start to get cold again.

This isn't in total focus but it is a nice artistic statement.  I did bring the redtwig cuttings up from the basement and put them into jars of water. It took about a week upstairs and I now have leaves. I really would like to see some good sets of roots on them before they hit the soil.

Even though the crew came and gouged out its roots the stems live on.  The photo makes it look like the twigs would like to be back outside but that won['t happen for quite a while.

I have lots of them starting and I bet every one of them will root.  I need to remember to change the water once in a while to keep fresh water on them.

I will have to figure out where to plant them but I know I could do a row of them somewhere in the area where it originally grew.  I think they would look great near the birch tree for sure.

I may go and get a new red maple tree for the benefit of the property.

It is a good day to go to the bookstore.  Browsing through books and magazines and a good cup of coffee begins the celebration of spring break. I might get a chance to catch up on a few things that need to be done around the outside of the house. I see by the news they are saying daylight savings time changes is physical harmful to our bodies. I think we all could have told them that years ago. I think I will just cut down on my physical activity during that change as it really drags the body down.  I am glad you were able to stop by today.  See you tomorrow.


  1. The redtwig is beautiful, as is your sky shot. I need to root some redtwig.. .

  2. Your twigs are looking good. Yes slow down I hear that there are more heart attacks and strokes because of the time change...but they didn't say a thing about cranky:)
