Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sunday s Spring Day......not!

We will warm up just enough to send this snow away.  It was different to see such large snow flakes coming down late last  evening. When Button and I were outside late evening it was just a quiet large snow coming down.  That kind of snow absorbs into Button's fur making him feel soaked just like it is in the rain.

The red twigs are doing well inside and have started forming their  flower buds. I am thinking that I might have to put some sand or soil at the bottom of the jar to get the roots to form. 

The task of cleaning the two filters used to clean the water has been accomplished.  It took a half of day for the cleaned filters it to clear up the water.  The fish don't mind a dirty tank but the oxygen level is reduced when rotting plant material and such are allowed to happen.

The hardy geranium start that was in water all winter is now in soil.  It was getting peaked the past few weeks with the water only situation.  It had a lot of roots on it so it should perk up quickly.

I have seen robins from the thrush family around the property for a few weeks.  I still did not get a great photo of this one but it was moving all around hopping to find a worm or bug.

I still have a few junco birds in the yard.  They like the finch feeder sock and tend to go to the ground bellow it and pick up the spilled seeds from the goldfinches.  It is such a beautiful gray bird with that darker gray head.

I will share one finch photo today to finish off the blog.  You can see the snow falling in the background. The color changes of their feathers  are pretty yet in the early stages.

This afternoon the evidence of snow fall doesn't seem to be left.  We didn't get warm but tomorrow promises to be predicted to be warmer. 

I appreciate you stopping by today.


  1. A little spring, a little winter. Had that here too. Looking to be warmer the next few days. Glad your twigs are doing well and starting the geranium in the winter is an accomplishment. I don't have good luck with them in the winter. I usually start mine in June outside. More sunlight helps I think. Take care and have a good day!

  2. Spinter weather for you, ack the weather is cold here. I am tired of cold. Our snow is mostly melted except in the woods and north side of anything. Those Juncos brought you the snow, we call them snow birds up here.
    Back to work for you this week, I hope you got caught up on your work at home and your naps! :)

  3. Here it is hot. The photos are cool and refreshing!
