Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday Already......

I do sometimes misplaced my trowel. I guess that if I had one this size, I would probably not loose it.  I had a hard time finding the photo to share as the handle blends in well with the tree trunk. This was a sculpture at the botanical center.  It really does fit in with the place.

I wish I could be at the Center today as it seems cold outside today.  This was a water pool that contained sunken pots growing all these great water plants.  I can never remember the name of the one on the left but I tried to grow it once and failed.  It shouldn't be that hard if one would keep it flooded with water.

I decided to take my redtwig dogwoods sticks out of the water and placed them into soil.  Some of them were looking like they were not going to live much longer in the water.  I gave them some soil to receive nourishment.  They were wilting some and I didn't think the root formation was working in just the water. I plan on keeping the soil wetter than normal and hope that the branch you see there will continue to live.

When I extended the side entry porch last  fall, actually early winter, I moved plants away from the area.  I moved an Asiatic Lily out of there and also dug a red peony from the area. I gave the red peony to a neighbor and I haven't checked to see if it came up for her.  The water kept things so wet in this location that I thought it to be a rescue. I didn't really know where these bulb plants were at the time but now I now.  The foreground daffodils are safe but the ones under the porch will be needing to be moved.

I also have a lot of the old fashion rose bushes in the area.  The one will survive because it had spread out to the front of the new addition.  I have other areas to the south of this area that is also growing wild and will continue to bloom.  The water from the roof was messing with it anyway and it wasn't blooming so often.

I did have another photo showing the sprouting of things under the now new deck area.  I see there is one stray stem of the rose under there.  It is an old fashion one and I could see it spread into the light as it spreads by its roots. The rose was here when I bought the place so it is a very old variety.

 The barberry is coming to life now with the sun shinning on it all morning. I have a yellow green variety of this and it too is popping out leaves.

We are having a day of rest today.  The hospital life is not a pleasant one and the second day there seemed another challenge for us.  It takes hours to get people discharged.  Parking is a nightmare. One elevator was down so that kept things interesting to get to the room and also to get our friend out of the hospital We arrived to the hospital and they were having a practice fire drill.  We were sent to the lounge to sit it out. All doctors and nurses had to stand in the hall and not move while practice procedures were taking place. The patients did get to stay in their rooms. We were glad to get my wife's friend in the car and get her home.

A part of the rest we are having today will including getting some small things done.  I may clear the sticks off of one more area in the yard and spread grass seed. I have work tomorrow so I will lose work time at home.  Thank you for stopping by  today.


  1. Hospitals are all about hurry up and wait! I am glad you got your friend out of there. Your Dogwood will do okay in some wetter soil or sand, when it warms up they will love it outside in permanent spots:)

  2. We are resting today but that is most what we do now.
    Storms moving in today. Hope your day is a good one.

  3. Hi, I enjoyed your photos tonight. I wish you success with the dogwood. I agree, that hospitals are frustrating and tiring. Thankful that you could stay home today. We've had light rain today but it is still warm. Remembering you both and your friend in prayer.

  4. We're having rain, rain and more rain!

  5. I believe that water plant is a papyrus. We had a great huge one in our green house for years.
