Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tuesday's Times.....

How many ways can birthday cards call you old?  This one was a classic as it played the theme song of Indiana Jones.  The inside of the card says "Here's to being well traveled" which is better than some cards that tell you the cake with candles will cause a bonfire.

The phlox are ready to get started for their journey into the summer.  We keep getting just enough rain to make everything green. 

We spent the entire day at the hospital with my wife's friend Shary.  Surgery to remove cancerous tissues.  It was a good and bad finish and Shary held up to the surgery well.  Not great news about it all but she is better off having had the surgery.  Hospital life is a community of it's own.  The hospital had dozens of surgeries going on at the same time.  A monitor is up telling your patient's progress through a coding system.  Sad and happy times throughout the many family groups waiting for the doctor. 

Our waiting time was prolonged by so many different circumstances.  Pre op lasted an hour and a half longer that scheduled.  Our waiting time for her to actually go to surgery was then an hour and a half behind schedule. Surgery lasted for two hours and then recovery room was a long session.  We were glad they kept her in the hospital for overnight for observation and we will take her home tomorrow afternoon.  We left the hospital at 5:30 after visiting with Shary about her experiences.

We can rest tomorrow morning and then will pick up groceries for her on the way to the hospital.  We will be glad to get her settled back into her apartment in the afternoon. I appreciate your stopping by at my late posted blog.


  1. I will continue to remember Shary in my prayers. I know it has been a tiring/stressful day for you both, also. I hope you both can rest soundly and take it easy in the a.m.

  2. How nice that you could be there for your friend. Those same days surgeries can be a long long day for sure:(

  3. I know your friend was glad you were there for her during her surgery! Loved the birthday card.
