Saturday, April 2, 2016

Saturday Afternoon's Views........

A star magnolia was donated to the school.  I am not sure if the giver knew how special this tree is. Being a magnolia it must be a tough vairety as it survives our winters.  There is only one other kind of magnolia that lives through Iowa's winters. That magnolia has blooms so different than this one. This is an early bloomer and I have never seen another like this one ever. I was going to crop out a lot of things in this photo but the sky is a good looking one.

The star magnolia has many linear petals that project out from the base. I have blogged about this tree for years but I didn't find out about the identity of it until a couple of years ago. Someone in England identified it.  When I looked it up, I agreed with her about the name of the variety.

The foreground it out of focusin this photo but the background flowers are in focus.  It shows more closely what the blooms look like.

The house finch continues to enjoy the thistle seed sharing the feeder with the goldfinches.  I will need to fill the sock again in a couple of days.

It is a very windy day with the temps being almost freezing last night.  We have sun this afternoon but it isn't warming up that much.  Sunday we are suppose to be 73 degrees F.  I really doubt that will happen but I would welcome it.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. This is a gorgeous tree. Thank you for sharing the blooms and identification. Love seeing the hungry birds too. Very windy here this afternoon, too.

  2. 73 ? guess you think summer has arrived.
    Star Magnolias are here in the south, we had one.
    Happy week-end

  3. I wish they grew here on the southern Minnesota tundra as they are a gorgeous tree in bloom. I'm always confused try to separate the purple finches from the house variety...:)

  4. It's a beautiful tree, and yes as Patsy has said, they are common in the south.
    Windy here too, the birds are flying sideways :)
    Thank you for sharing their beauty.

  5. That is a a beautiful tree! Who would have guessed it could grow in Iowa!! :)
