Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday's Things......

Larger than life pear tree blooms are slowly opening.  The cool rain seems to make the buds hesitant to open. I wasn't sure if I had buds after our hard freeze but I don't think they were set at that time.

Another shot of the pear tree's show of blooms.  While blogging I realized I haven't gone over to see if any of the three apple trees have spring blooms.

The ornamental pear tree has been in bloom for a week now and appears to look like it is covered in snow.

The Asiatic lily looks like this already as the ground continues to warm.  I just noticed that we have a side view of this growth but you could just consider it to be a top view.  I have hostas popping up in many places that are of different kinds that my early ones.

I was able to finally capture this tulip when it was wide open. Usually the cold has kept it closed tight when I was trying to get a shot of it. It is one stray tulip growing next to s bush with not other company of other tulips.  I think it is a leftover from when the planting was done next to the large spreading juniper.  Now the juniper is gone this was left out in the open.

The many tulips in the orchard are staying closed as the air is cool and the light rain seemed to keep them closed.  Hot sunshine will open them sometime soon.  I use to have an ornamental bridge out there and the tulips had been planted around it.  The bridge is gone and I still have a circular planting in the orchard yard.

I have no red tulips.  I really don't know why.  I have pink though and a few dark purples out there.  This group really looks better each day as the blooms seem larger and stronger.

I am home today getting some work done.  I need to be home and I will use my time wisely.  It is damp and cool outside so I will have to stay indoors unless the weather changes.   I appreciate your stopping in today.


  1. Love seeing your place wakening up from winter.

  2. What pretty pear tree blooms. Love your tulips too.

    Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady

  3. Your pink tulips are lovely! Enjoy your day off! :)

  4. Beautiful photos of the pear blossoms. I think tulips like to close up when it's cloudy and at night. Eventually, they stop doing that and they let the petals fall open and out.
