Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday's Frills..........

It was a surprise to see this bloom opening this morning.  I have been quietly whining about the loss of this iris.  It still has not bloomed in the old area where i planted.  I apparently moved this to this new location when I was having iris bore problems.  It took two years but I did save the iris.  Those who follow regularly know this is a collected iris from a cemetery.  It is the old fashion small iris that grows at old farm homesteads and in a lot of the older cemeteries. The commercial hybrid name for it is called "bumblebee."

The small rosebud that I shared a few days ago has bloomed.  It is the first one to bloom with the wild rose bloom a couple of days later. This is a florabunda style rose that is so robust.  It seems to be the first up after the snow melt and the last to  be done blooming in the fall.

Having shared this on my photo a day, I will share it too on this blog.  My wild rose is returning after its almost complete die off. The roots did apparently stay alive in the ground and I have about three sprouts of it returning this year.

This is a dianthus from a different location from the last one that I shared.  I transplanted them to the ground in the fall from a planter and two out of three did survive.  The third may have survived but i haven't found it yet out there in the garden. The flowers do vary in pattern and color but this one does look like the last one that I posted.

I am in the middle school math room today.  The 8th grade level math I am able to handle today and the 7th graders are taking test.  I can handle giving tests for sure.

We have no big plans for the weekend at this point but I have hours of work to do outside. I never get caught up.  I also need to rest as the work week seemed to drain all of my energy.  I am glad that it is Friday and I am also glad that their is only one more week of school left for the school year.  Thank you for checking in  on me today.


  1. Good Evening, I hope you both will have a pleasant weekend. We woke to rain and much cooler temps this a.m. I sure love the bumblebee iris. Far Side Connie recently blogged about cemetery flowers in her area. I see a lot of old fashioned peonies in cemeteries around here. I also love your roses and I'm happy some of the pinks made it. They are a favorite of mine. To me, they smell like cloves!
    John helped the neighbor (couple expecting the baby) yesterday in the yard so he is taking it easy today. I made them a casserole. Baby could arrive any time now.

  2. Glad your bumble bee iris survived. I too thought I had lost a color of iris, but I thinned out a mixed bed a couple of years ago and this year, the transplants bloomed. Yea the color was there.

  3. What gorgeous Irises, you have quite the collection Larry !
    The rose is beautiful, such a pretty shade of pink.
    Barney takes his guarding job seriously, he's a love.
    Have a great weekend Larry.
