Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Monday......

My true white peony is blooming now.  It looks like I will have the grand total of two blooms. I will photograph them a lot and appreciate them as if I had dozens.  I got this peony from the neighbor across the street.  He has a long row of them that were planted by many owners before he came along.

When I bought my property 40 years ago there was one row of peonies next to the drive.  Since then I have added two red ponies from my mom which where my grandmother's from Murray, Iowa.  New peonies added recently were historic peonies from my wife's home formerly her grandparents home.  Two out of the four of them are red peonies.  The other two are a great color that borderlines being red but maybe called deep pink. I donated one of my red peonies to a neighbor to put over the spot where her dog was buried.  It didn't bloom this year but it sure will next year as peonies really are hard to kill.

My tomato plants have been in the ground since a few weeks ago.  They looked pathetic.  They became yellow from probably too much rain and not enough heat.  I noticed Sunday that this one plant was ready to take off and grow. It looked green and healthy. Some sunshine and heat really brought it back.

I mowed and collected grass clippings today and they now are the mulch around all those tomatoes.  For my plans being not having many tomatoes, I have 12 planted next to the fence row in the backyard.  I added about 10 more today in my old planting area. I started lots of seed and the neighbor lady didn't take many of them this year.  She relies on her neighbor to do all the planting.  The one who plants for her goes out and buys big tomato plants from the nurseries. I hope I have lots of tomatoes and it is fun to give them away to friends.

I keep finding the dianthus plants that I had rescued from a planter.  Stores sell them by the half dozen so I should find them planted in 6 different places.  This one is taking in the shade of the hosta in the early morning.  It will be in full sun by afternoon.

The bright sun makes the flowers look white when it reflects off of some of the flowers.

The rescued white iris was a small rhizome I planted here.  That makes the fourth spot that I placed the white iris.  You can see here a different color of dianthus.

I am awaiting to see what colors this iris will be.  I don't know what I planted there but I will welcome it to my garden whatever color that it is.  It has been in this bud stage for a few days now and I thought sure it would be opened today. Maybe overnight it will start to unfurl.

Three day weekends are great.  I just don't know what to do with that extra day.  It doesn't feel like Monday but I just like it as I can start getting some yard work done. I probably won't write things down but I will do things as I see them.  I have a lot of iris that just didn't bloom this year.  They will be moved somewhere. I now can put them on the south side of the house as I found it was a good place to grow iris.

I thank you for stopping by on this Memorial Day.  Everyone take care.


  1. When you have plants that belonged to family members, it makes them extra special. Your peonies are so pretty and I also love your irises. When John had a garden, he enjoyed sharing peas, cucumbers and beans with friends. I also love the pinks (dianthus). We have had a quiet weekend. Our neighbor's baby arrived, but it was not during the middle of the night, so they did not need us after all.

  2. Ooh, what a beautiful sight on this special Memorial Day.
    I simply love Peonies, but sadly so do the deer.

  3. Your white peony is stunning! What a beautiful flower! :)

  4. You have some very special,peony plants, Larry. We have one at the VA house and it may already be in bloom by the time we arrive this weekend. Hopefully other flowers like the gardenia and day lillies will be blooming while we are there.
