Saturday, May 28, 2016

Stuff and More Stuff

I shared this iris a few days before with its standards smashed down from the rain. These standards are a little better but they seem in bad form from the last nights rain. I am hoping that next year this iris will turn into a taller stemmed iris

The rains helped to get these peonies opened. The weather has kept me from getting any good photos of it.  The dull light really keeps me from taking photos and the red peony is hard to photograph in low light or too bright of light.

The peonies that I moved from the farm three years ago are all slower bloomers than my other plants.  I think out of the four of them that three are red peonies.

 This is an old fashioned iris that I took from the school.  The science teacher at the new high school landscaped the building bringing in old iris from his house.  I have had this a couple of years but I think it is the first time that it has bloomed.

One of these similiar kinds of iris that I had was an almost pure cream to white iris.  The top standards were translucent white with cream colored falls. I lost that iris and will be keeping my eyes our for it to add to my collection again.

I will finish by sharing this photo of a successful story of a change in the garden location.  This iris bloomed in an area each year with short stalks and seemed not to be robust.  I moved it last year and I have this very tall stem with these buds on them. I left some of it in the old location and that plant is going to be moved now for sure.

Yesterday's partial blooming now looks like this. This cemetery iris is so close in design as the bumblebee iris shown below. This one though has the white edges on its falls which the bumblebee does not have. The beard and line markings are very similiar.  We keep getting rain.  It is good as remember those summers when I would only get one or two blooms per iris because it was too dry.  This summer we have all the moisture that we need.

We ran errands this morning and this afternoon I have lots of small jobs to do.  I hope all have a great weekend.   Thanks for stopping by at my blog today.


  1. What a lovely variety of peonies and irises you have. They are all so beautiful. We are a little short in the rain department. We've had to water twice so far this spring. The lake is down somewhat, too. Take care and you two enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  2. They sure are a favorite of mine, your iris are lovely this year.
