Thursday, May 26, 2016

Thursday's Things.....

It takes a few years to get a grouping of these that fill in the whole area.  The flag iris don't seem to be bothered by them and are up before the hostas are full up.  The globe allium is planted here too and it all shares the space well.  I have some weeding to do here as the bird feeder gives me volunteer plants.

This hosta came from a crowded area and I now see that I need to move the rest of it.  I planted it here and by the second year the leaves are large. They took all summer in the crowded area to get much size on them.  The photo was taken by the iPhone and the sun is lighting things up for me.

Another cemetery iris that blooms later than most of the others. It is a small iris and has the same patterns on its falls as the Bumblebee iris does. I didn't get completely true color with the camera.  I will try to get out and get it with better light and not high sunlight.  The falls are purple and the standards are more blue than lavender.

The Bumblebee started blooming earlier but is still blooming. Here you can make the comparisons yourselves of the two iris blooms.

In the early sunlight I captured this rose again with its neighboring iris. Everything was wet this morning as we had a storm.  We did not sign up for this but at 2:40 this morning our phone rang to gives us a severe storm warning. I don't know if this is something a local tv station has done but we have been put on a list to be awakened for storms.

The white iris that I rescued from the ditch and sidewalk people has done well in its four new homes.  It was huge out at the corner of the road and I broke it up in parts and scatter planted it. The iris was given to me and it is one tough plant putting out so many large blooms.

I was surprised to see that I could work today, so I am at the middle school again today.  The job had been posted at 5 in the morning and at 6:30 no one had taken it.  I just didn't think there was going to be absent teachers the day before school is out but there actually are two people gone.  Another teacher is gone because their mother is bad.  The one I am subbing for is a mystery. I really had planned to be home to work outside but that just didn't happen.  I guess we will have more storms this afternoon when I get out of school.  Thank you for all of you who stop by the blog.  I hope your day is a good one.

1 comment:

  1. Your Iris are all so pretty, I sure enjoy them. I guess you can rest next week when there is no school:)
