Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tires and Roses.......

The tires are in temporary storage.  They came from the farm.  I will have them out of there within the next month. I need to unmount the tires from the rims before I can recycle them.  I then have to take all the metal rims to a metal recycle place west of here.

The rose is why I posted the photo though, as the William Baffin is doing well this spring. Most of the plant grows to the left of this pile of tires but the one branch does decorate the area.

I bought this rose many years ago when we once visited the north shore of Minnesota. The garden center was a place on the hill outside of Grand Marias.  I think they had a blue moose on their sign.  I figured if William Baffin could survive northern Minnesota then it could grow here at my place with our harsh winters.

I am predicting that this will be my first bloom. I don't understand why other people in town have their peonies in full bloom butmine are not.  We had a very hard rain last night wich might help to open this bud.  When I opened the door to see how hard that it was raining we were getting a real downpour. We had a little water in the basement but it was minor.

 I was surprised and glad to see this iris blooming.  I had moved it last summer and it did survive the move. It is a very decorative variety but this one variety seems to be very short.  I have seen the same colors on tall hybrids. For some reason two of the vertical parts of the flower are not there. They are inside of the falls when it develops so I can not understand how this happens.  There is one more bud on the stem and maybe it will be more normal looking.

I will close down this blog by sharing this photo I took in the math room the other day. I think it was a cheap shelving unit and the pegs that hold the shelves just were not strong enough.  The whole wing of that building gets a complete remodeling this summer so I am assuming the teacher will be boxing it all to move it out. He figures why do it now.

I am home today and will find lots of things to do.  It is very wet outside but if we get up to the predicted 80 degrees F.  it will dry out. Friday is the last day of school  and I did pick up work for that last day.  I may not get any more other than that.   It will be officially summer for me.

I hope all is well with each of you and thank you for checking in on me today.


  1. Seeing the bookshelf collapsed reminds me...years ago, I had many little Italian vases, dishes etc. on a closet shelf. It fell during the night and broke EVERY single piece!
    I sure love the roses, peony and iris. Peony was a fav of mother. I remember how the ants love them!

  2. Glad you will be drying out , The rose and peony got
    lots of water, so they are doing good.Here the peony's
    bloomed and gone I missed a photo of some white noes.

  3. Now that school is ending, you will be able to enjoy your outdoors gardening a bit more Larry. The schools here in Nashua, NH will be in session until sometime in June.

  4. Those roses are sure happy.
    We had a book shelf at home do that recently. My husband reinforced the shelves and pegs and we didn't put as much weight back on it.

  5. Such a beautiful rose, it makes those rubber tires look almost pretty :)
    I would love to have a Peony although the deer would probably love it more than me.
    Gorgeous Iris such a soft color.
