Saturday, June 11, 2016

A Hot Evening Sunset.......

The sky was showing the effects of our hot temperatures as the sun was setting.  I know it is typical Iowa weather but we didn't get a chance to build up to it gradually.  It just hit us like a hot oven door being opened in our faces.

The angel has the sun to its back in early morning and by noon it has the shade of a silver maple in the back yard.  The silver maple was a volunteer many years ago I am really glad that it is there.  It is too far south of the house to help shade the house be we do get some shade in the afternoon from it on the patio.

The hostas are having a good year with spring rains bringing them up quickly.  They don't tend to suffer in the heat unless a drought hits and the just can't get water.  The fallen branch on the ground looks a little out of place there but I had been trimming on the bushes right next to this area.

The fountain was given to us many years ago and it sits like a permanent bland fixture out there.  I guess I should buy a statue or something to put on it to make it more interesting to see. I guess a plant in that top hole would be good.

My volunteer wild vine has come back better than ever.  I think it will vine into the door and the kitchen if I don't cut it back pretty soon. I tore the entire vine off of the house last fall and it just made it be happier as it came back stronger.  I know that some weed killer would take it out in an instant. The white wire you see dangling in the photo is our indoor/outdoor thermometer sensor.

I was up early again this morning and the temperatures had dropped to the low seventies.  Counties to the east of us all had rain through the night but we did not.  It did cause a very damp cool air for a short while any way.  The wrens are up singing at that time.  I guess their sounds are really calls but us old people had parents tell us they were singing.  The clouds dulled the light out there but the 83 percent humidity was easily felt.

We had a good visit with friends yesterday as they dropped by a gift for our second, newest grandson. We ate at a new smaller place that had great sandwiches and good atmosphere.  We had passed by the place many times as we travel to Des Moines but the bold plain looking sign made it look like a poor place to eat. "The Food Depot" is a strange name for it but we did like eating there. Our friends Bernie and Nancy have a relative living close by so they knew about the place.

I will water tomato plants this morning and then come in for the day.  It will be another hot day in Iowa.  The corn and the tomatoes love this kind of weather.  I did give away three good sized tomato plants to our visitors so they can have tomatoes this summer. Any smaller starts of tomatoes that I have now may not survive as I have my limit of them in the ground.

A quiet Saturday at home and doing small chores will make up the day.  I am on my way to take photos of the cornfield across the street.  I thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Hot here now too. Sure is helping some things grow.

  2. How nice to enjoy lunch with friends. I know they appreciated the tomato plants. It's been a full week of very hot weather, here. We are staying indoors. You have a pretty collection of hostas around the fountain.
    Now I notice the updated photo of AJ. I'm sure he is a wonderful big brother to Teddy.

  3. Such pretty Lilies!
    Some of the best places to eat look like little hole in the wall spots! I see you have new photos of the grandboys, they are growing!! :)
