Thursday, June 16, 2016

Anniversary Day Today........

Who are those young people?  Why are they so dressed up? Whatever happened to them?  Well they are out there, living the good life.

Everyone says it and I will say again, "where did that time go?"  It was 32 years ago today that Della and I were married in a Lutheran Church in Grimes, Iowa. We will go out to eat at the Cheesecake Factory eatery and will probably also have cheesecake.

On a side note the church in which we were married was sold to be a cafe, flower shop, art gallery and frame shop.  They catered weddings and dinners.  The Christian couple who owned it were sued, which was disguised as a political correct issue.   So it has been shut down and a different church has bought it.  Most of the stained glass windows in the church were paid for and donated to the building by Della's Seibert relatives. We are glad that the outcome was that it became a church again. Our person who was to make our great day wedding cake, canceled out on us at the last minute due to her back surgery, so we went somewhere else. Our second choice of cake probably was our best choice.  One of Della's aunts admired it saying it was not crumbly.

The small sculpture in the garden is fun when you glance over and see the squirrel under the hosta leaves.

The first bloom is finally out.  The camera doesn't capture the true color of it but I will take more pictures in the evening.  I wont pretend to count all the buds but this is a better set of buds than the three or four that I had in its old growing location.

This coneflower bud is still in its preliminary stages.  I would think it will bloom very soon.  I have a lot less coneflowers  this year and I really don't known why.  I do have hollyhocks this year though and didn't have a single bloom last year.

I am headed out to mow this morning.  It cooled off last night but remained very humid.  I opened up the house for a short time and that was a big mistake.  Cold humid air really didn't have a positive effect on the quality of air in the house.  I can see I have lots of weeds and things that need to be tended to but the dog's yard really needs to be shorten so the little dog can get around better out there.   Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Happy, Happy Anniversary!
    Lovely flowers and more to come ,summer is just getting a start.LOL
    We have a Cheesecake Factory near us, we should go but have not been they yet.

  2. Happy 32nd anniversary Larry and Della. Enjoy your celebration dinner!

    Flowers are lovely and that little squirrel sculpture is cute.


  3. Happy Anniversary! Hope you enjoy your cheesecake!

    Always fun to see the progress of your plants and I like the squirrel hiding under the hosta.

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary. How young looking you both were.

  5. Happy Anniversary!! I hope your dinner out was wonderful! :)
