Friday, June 3, 2016

Friday Has Arrived.....

The one person that I know that has had to get up earlier than me is the guy in the jet plane.  His stream was a welcomed sight and he had just turned it on seconds before I had arrived.  Our President shut down our base in the Des Moines area and all out jets were sent to storage in the desert.  We only do drones now.  This plane still files over from Omaha and does its practice flights over Iowa.  Normally there are at least three of them at a time and they make crisscross jet stream patterns. It is such a common sight that we don't really stop to appreciate what is going on up there.

The barberry looks great on the other side of the fence. It makes a great accent color in the garden area.  I have the yellow green barberry also but it needs to be move out into the sun as it is one third in size.

There are a few artist from the twenties that painted Minnesota scenes with trees of special shapes.   I just notice recently that they generally are painting sycamore trees in their paintings.  If they are not them, it is the style of tree that they are projecting in their scenes. The trees are beauties and I really am glad they are in the neighborhood. I really like the large leaves but the woman in the green house does not. 

I saw the perfect photos of these trees the other day and I didn't get it captured.  The sun caused a glow on the trees which made them very magical.  When the leaves are fully out the whole set of trees will look differently.

My last day of school assignment was to watch the kids in the FCS room, home economics was its original name. It was a different assignment as I was to have the students help take all the discarded items to the dumpster outside. It was a big pile of books and old things in the middle of the room. Some classes tired easily and we didn't get much thrown away but my third class had a few individuals who really liked the task. In three trips we had it all thrown way and headed to the commons area to rest.

I didn't have the heart to throw away a knife set nor this grinder.  We have an electric grinder but this is an antique.  This type of food grinder is all my mom ever had to grind meat or fruit.  It was an older one than this one.  This looks modern compared to ours.  The trick was to find a wooden chair or a counter that the clamp would fit for tightening before use.  I think we had one wooded chair that it worked on best.

 I was watching these buds for a long time and I did not remember what iris that it would be.  Well I was surpised to see this.  The falls of the flower are dark colored on their undersides so the bud looks like it was going to be an all dark iris. I remember buying it now but I am too hap hazzard in my planting to remember where and what it is.  It is a great one for sure.  That  is the last of the three hybrids that I bought last year.

We are off today to help take Della's friend to the bank and shopping.  She cancelled her radiation treatment for the day and wanted us to take her some places.  We will have to work on some incentives to get her to  quit the skipping of the treatments. She has daily small doses of radiation for 6 weeks or more.  We will find a good place to eat today and help her get the things done that she wishes. 

I did get things done yesterday including planting morning glories and sunflowers.  I have zinnias yet to plant. I am getting the patio cleared of junk(unnecssery things) and hopefully will have things looking better out there.  I wish everyone to have a good day today.  Thanks for checking in at my blog.


  1. I meant to ask yesterday about your wife's friend. I hope she will enjoy her outing with you two today. God bless her.
    This iris sure is pretty. Best wishes with your seeds. It has been so hot the past 2 days that we have stayed indoors.
    I hope the doggies are doing well. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. We lived at a senior Village that was a air base built
    in World War II, closed and moved the plane's up north
    In 1980's. Hope you enjoy your summer.

  3. I would have saved that meat grinder too! Those Iris are pretty too! :)
