Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday Morning.........

It is early morning and I am out with the dogs. The sun is just above the horizon and it is cool for now. Barney loves to be out there when it is cool but not when it is hot.  He instantly lays down in the grass and enjoys the sights and sounds. Our mosquitoes are back for the summer which means the city should be spraying tonight.

The iphoned didn't want to take a good photo but this one simple shot expresses that it is hot, inside and out. Our air does not handle it but it keeps the humidity in check.

I will probably give you a  morning glory report every once in a while as that is who I am. I didn't presoak the seed this time but planted them in very moist soil.  I have decided to place the planter next to the woven wire dog fence.  It can grow and climb along a big area of fencing.

The berries to the bushes behind this area shown above are now putting out the red berries.  The birds won't hit them though until they become mature and start to shrivel. 

I will also be on a lily watch now on this large Asiatic lily.  I am not certain what the color is and I will just wait to see.  I could go back on my last years blog but I will just wait.  That clump of buds seemed strange to me to see earlier  but now I see their were  stems that shoots them all in different dirrections to separate them.

We had a fun visit on the phone last night on facetime.  Our son was showing off Teddy as they walked the backyard.  Teddy likes to go outside and seems to settle down for them when he is out there.  The tour of the garden shown to us gave me happiness as I saw that the iris from this plant was in bloom in the back yard.  Andy and Patrica really have some nice things planted in the backyard.  I can see now that I need to collect some other iris for them as they sure succeeded from this start.  Also yesterday a new blogger friend for me, who lives in Canada, was sharing this same iris that was just now blooming for him.  Mine has been through blooming a couple of weeks ago.

The facetime application is so wonderful as we were able to see Teddy cuddling in on his dad's shoulder. He gave a few smiles and moved his tongue around making lots of different expressions. Teddy finally went to sleep while we were talking to Andy.  We could see Andy  also and it was a very nice visit.

The hardy geranium fans will be happy to see my first bloom for the season.  I have buds on some of the others that I wintered over but some geraniums have a lot of weeks to really put on buds. I have a lot less of them and that is good.  I am spending more time now watering tomatoes and keeping them up and growing.  I know I have mentioned it before but they love this hot with high humidity kind of weather.

I was just outside to water some of my tomatoes while Button was outside.  It is awful out there already at 9:00 in the morning. We will only get to 90 degrees F.  today but that is with 80 percent humidity.  I have amptjer batch of tomatoes out by the garden shed and I will return to water them once the blogger quits working here.

It is Monday and we try to take the day off.  We have a busy Sunday normally so we will just take this day a lot easier.

I know others out there are being effected by the heat.  I hope everyone can stay cool inside and be careful if you go outside.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful that you get to visit with your grands on the husband likes to call up his sister and chat too, it is nice for them to see each other on the Ipad:) Stay cool. we only had about 75 here today and this evening it is cooling down nicely:)
