Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Progressing Growth Spurts.......

The only hardy geranium that I kept upstairs over the winter is this one with the decorative leaves.  I did keep a sprout alive upstairs too but most all of the other went to the basement over winter.  This is still in its same pot and it really is loving the weather.  The buds on this one promises me geranium blooms to post on the blog.

The moss rose is really settling in now and promises many good blooms.

The one tomato plant, cherry tomato, that I bought a few weeks ago is doing so great.  I am amazed as to how fast the plant grows once it gets in its own space. I think it is twice its original size when I bought.  Our soil is starting to warm up now so that things are growing in spite of the cold nights. I will share later as to how the tomatoes are doing that I started from seed.

The morning glory seed sprouts it looks like a poorly shaped butterfly.  Every seed that I planted in this container are now up.  I am trying to decide where I am going to place it as I have 7 or 8 plants coming up here.  It may have to go over by the dog fence to grow on that structure.

I tell the same story each year about this lily.  We bought it at an early morning market sale in the parking lot of Grand Marais, Minnesota.  The guy would plant them in pots and sell them off of his truck bed. We haven't been there for 12 years and do wonder if the guy is still selling his plants at the market.  I have four buds on it this year which is a record number for this bulb. Now that it is in full sun it might really grow much larger. This is my first lily to bloom and there are many more budded lilies in the garden that promise blooms.

I shared a photo of a healthy old fashion rose in bloom a few days ago.  Now I will share the blooms of the same rose where the same rose is getting too much water. I am sure the leaves will all be gone soon but the buds seem to go ahead and open.  I have enough of this rose growing in front of the new porch addition and some that has creeped into the back yard so I am not concerned about loosing this one area of roses.  It is a tough old rose though and it will probably still come up green and strong from its roots next spring.

I am headed out to mow the orchard this morning and drag away some cut sucker trees that I  trimmed out of the spirea bushes along the alley.  I can't burn anymore but I can have evening bonfires.  I bought marshmallows yesterday to enjoy in a few weeks at my fire ring some evening. Maybe some of the wood trash can be a part of that fire.   We are cool temperature wise today but it is promised to be hot the rest of the week.  Heat sometimes means thunderstorms but none of that is mentioned at this time.    Thank you all for stopping by for a read today.


  1. Everything is looking nice. That's great success with the morning glory seeds. We have had 2 days now without thunderstorms. It is very hot though. Do take care in the yard.

  2. I was thinking lilies were done here, but yesterday on my walk
    I found a double orange one.
    We went to the farmers market and got some home grown tomatoes.
    I think they came from down in the deep south.

  3. Enjoyed your blooms, Larry. And posting marshmallows over the fire sound like a great way to use that wood. Do you make s'mores too?
