Sunday, June 5, 2016

Slim Pickings on Sudnay........

Another shot of my newest and latest iris to bloom.  I had to go get a stake and brace it up as it just lays on the ground after a rain.  I like how this variety doesn't really get any damage from the rain like some of the others.

This iris was late in its starting to bloom but does just keeps on blooming.  More buds on the old fashioned iris than the modern hybrid ones.

Here is another shot of the spiderwort.  It keeps blooming but seems to have blooms in limited quantities this year.

North of our town is a state institution and it use to be called a State Hospital.  I took photos of this area of many brick buildings. It was a few weeks ago and I have stories to share about it.  That will be coming soon.

It is Sunday afternoon now that I am blogging.  It is hot outside and it is nice to be inside.  I hope everyone is doing well.  Thanks for checking in on my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Good Sunday Afternoon, I really love that newest iris to open. It's a beauty! Of course, I love the others too and the spiderwort. I look forward to your posts about the institution.
    We have had several thunderstorms today. It's very humid.
