Thursday, June 30, 2016

Out and about Yesterday......

While I was out and about working with weeds and things I noticed a definite lean on these flowers.  The regale lily stem did the same sway as the day lily that is now in bloom.  I don't know the cause of it.  They do get the first light from the sun but they also have a bank of ferns behind them.

Another shot of the same are doesn't show it looking so unusual. I moved the day lily and the different hostas to this area in the past two years. The regale lily is also there but didn't quite fit in the photo's composition.

To finish off the tour of this area you can see the hostas in a row in front of the fence I built two years ago. The above daylily plant is at the very corner of the fence.

An earlier shot shows everything just starting to come up from the their dormant stages all winter. The ferns to the right of this planting are out of control and I will take out a few more through the summer. It is a healthy batch but has taken over all of the area.  I had to pull it up from the back side of the fence as it has invaded the neighboring garden area.

Spent flowers can create nice design in the flower gardens, others not so much. The flag iris foliage are definitely making a great pattern but the tops of it are looking bad. I have never trimmed them back and probably will not again this year. Evidence of invading ferns are shown in the photo.

Button had me up early again this morning and it was dark.  It was 5:00 and he went outside right away.  It was good we did because we started having heavy rains once we were back inside.  It stayed dark most of the morning and the rain just continued. We are so glad to have it.  No outside work again today but I have two projects going right now.  My self imposed deadlines may not be met by tomorrow but I will work on it.

Thank you for stopping by today.  I will share the turning of the white hydrangea to green in another post.


  1. Your lilies have just been lovely and abundant this year.

  2. Happy July 4th. I am up early and catching up on your blog posts. We have been busy packing etc. and plan to move within the next 10 days or so. That hydrangea is gorgeous as are the lilies and hosta. So happy you rec'd rain. We are really needing moisture. I believe you said that Button does not hear well and I am hopeful he is not frightened by fireworks. Theo has been very scared the last few nights as neighbors set off fireworks.
    God bless you both today.
