Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Early Morning Again......

It is early morning and the sun  isn't up yet. The temperatures are in the high 60s and the humidity is 89%.  It is not comfortable.

Twenty minutes later and Button wants to go outside one more time.  While standing out there I can see the clouds are moving easterly in the sky.  I assume the heat front that is coming in today already is pushing any clouds up there eastward as quickly as possible. Our heat index this afternoon is said to be as high as  105 degrees F.

The moss rose is not a predictable bloomer.  It has not been in full bloom for most of the week. The cold nights of the past seems to slow it down and it acts now like it has been in a drought, which it has not.  I took this photo with the cell phone this morning hoping there would be enough light. There are only four blooms open on it this morning.

I did another photoshoot of the lemon yellow daylily in my garden.  I shared it on my Photo a Day blog.  Three blooms were out for two days and now after their demise I have to wait for more to open.  I was able to get some creative design shots of the big yellow flowers.

The field lilies are doing well this summer. Plenty of early rains helped get them ready to be good bloomers. I will have to cut foliage back some once they are done blooming as they have taken over the back yard area.

The paths that I have and the sidewalk are really crowded out right now with the foliage of hostas and field lilies. The bee balm in the back has taken over that path too.  It is called "garden out of control" right now.  I do marvel as to how this winter all of this will be flattened and gone except for the bare branched viburnum.

There will be not discussion of winter at this point with it going to be such a hot day today.  I will mow in the orchard today just to stay caught up and then will work inside on three projects.

Here is an update on this ongoing, long lasting project.  The woman wanted to be able to read it and now that we have it mounted on black, it can be read. A relative had made it. This is a different person than the lady that crochets last names. This was hung on a rod and it could not be read. We had to sew this to the matboard backing on all the edges and also we tacked by sewing some of the letter to keep the center part from sagging.  Special work on the frame has to be completed and the mat board has to be cut to cover the edges. When this is done you will hear me shouting loudly from the rooftops, "it is done."

I have more photos to share than is possible.  I had a macro mania session and shot many things up close last evening.  I will share one of them and shut this blog down for the day.  I also did a series of shots of all of my hostas to see how many different kinds that I have. I will share that some time when I figure out how to blog it.   Thank you for stopping by today.  I appreciate your visits and your comments. Have a good day.


  1. Hi Larry, glad you had a nice July 4th and ours was a low-key celebration as well. We went to a baseball game and watched fireworks on Sunday and Monday nights. And, we had hot dogs and hamburgers at home.

  2. Happy to read you enjoyed your 4th July holiday, we had rain on and off for most of the day, but still had fun.
    Your flowers are so pretty, the colors vibrant and so healthy.
    I always enjoy seeing your garden :)

  3. Sounds like you are warm! Time for inside projects! Your framing project will turn out great! :)

  4. Thanks for answering my question about the crochet art piece. I can only imagine how tedious this project has been. I'll listen for you to shout when it is completed! lol
    This is a great photo of the ditch lily.
    Our heat is extreme too, and we are trying to stay in and cool. We pack a few boxes and take a break, etc. Today is the first showing of our current home. Move day is the 20th.
    God bless your day.
