Monday, July 18, 2016

Monday Morning Mentions........

It was 10:00 at night and we were still sitting at 90% humidity and an 80 degree temp.  It is the typical weather of Iowa and yet we don't have it that late at night.  The second flower is feeling the weather as it is not really wanting to come out in this weather.   I have these black eyed Susan's in one area of a garden and every year I think they are not there but then they bloom.  The foliage is so much like a weed so I tend to think I need to get the area weeded.  I should probably move them into a less crowded garden area but all my garden areas are over planted and crowded.

The heat also seems to make this lily a little reluctant to open for the day.  The foliage of these lilies make the flowers more interesting to shoot as they have such a great leaf pattern that can be used for the background.

The rains really don't bother this kind of flower and yet the spent blooms do get really messy with all the rain.

We had a monsoon rain in the middle of the night and then I guess we are going to get more rain this afternoon.  It looks like Iowa mud in all the gardens and fields.

This hardy geranium sits on the porch and is partially protected but it too shows the wear of the raining weather and the heat.  The morning glories in this pot are having a difficult time of establishing itself. 

The first of the two rosebuds on this plant was broken off from a falling tree branch.  This last bud did finally bloom. My camera went crazy yesterday with the high humidity so I got a foggy shot of this rose.  I have better ones that I took earlier and will share another day.  You can check out my other foggy shots on my Larry's Photo a Day blog. I could never plan to get shots like them but I do go with the situation when it occurs.

We have a pair of bluejays that are feeding their young from the berries and bugs that are in out yard. I keep trying to ge a photo of at least one of them as their black band around their necks seem much darker and larger that what we normally see on bluejays.  I saw one on the feeder Sunday morning and rushed to get my wife's camera.  When I got back to take a shot these two were standing there instead.  They are Eurasian ring necked doves. They are large compared to our morning doves.  They like sunflower seeds also. 

No big plans for today.  I have ongoing things that loom over me and the weather will determine my work for the day. I am feeling physically older that I should feel so I will take it easier today.  I hope all is well with you today.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. The heat and humidity is hard on older folks. Starting Wednesday we will join you as I heard the heat index this week is to be 100-110 doesn't sound like fun to me. Your flowers are good to look at! :)
