Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thursday's Showings.........

I am glad I overwintered this inside the house. Foliage colors and the color of the flowers are prize winning displays.

The moss rose just hasn't liked the weather.  I guess the rains have been too frequent and the sunshine was just to hot for it. I have not had a full bloom display for weeks now.

The new wave is still adjusting to its container of soil.  Real soil will encourage it once it grows roots beyond all that potting mixture in its original pot.

This is the delicate, thin petaled yellow day lily.  It was the very first lily that I ever owned which was given to me from a neighbor 25 years ago.

This is the tough, thick petaled lily.  It continues to put out a great set of blooms.  They are larger than any others of what I have.

I am in awe of the finished work.  I can't believe it is all done and ready to be delivered today. My wife helped me glue and place all the 51 photos onto the backing board.  The three graphics were made and installed ready for it to be in done.

For privacy reasons I won't share a focused shot of the finished job but this gives you an idea of what it looks like.  They are placing these in a hanging display rack now instead of having them individually framed.  It is another big sigh of relief made by me to have this done.  The large crochet frame job hasn't been picked up so it is still hanging around in the house.  One more project to get done and I will be done framing for a long time.

I have had this lily for some time but it really hasn't bloomed every year. I have decided that the foliage of it grew so large that I must have moved two parts of it to other parts of my property. I doubt that I knew it color at the time that I moved it.  I have another one now blooming over by my east blue garden gate.  Three plantings is a good thing.

More yard to cut today.  I mowed yesterday in 80 degree weather and that was not so smart.  I did a partial amount of the yard and this morning I will go out and complete the job. It isn't mowed on a schedule as I just don't do that.  I do see that it is beyond time for me to mow. I walked with Button this morning and took a few photos and the grass is really soaking wet from dew.  I will have to wait for it to dry. 

We have a few errands to run today. It will be good to get out in cooler weather.  Thank you for stopping by at my posting today.

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