Monday, August 1, 2016

Monday's Mellow Mentions........

The early morning sky was full of clouds reflecting the rising sun. We had a high and low battle going on and we ended up being on the side that didn't get much rain.

As the time passed I went back out to see things breaking up and moving south. It was becoming more daylight so the red glow was ending and a clearer light was taking over for the morning.

This is a better photo than I thought it was.  This particular butterfly gave me a lot of problems moving around rapidly and then just flew away.  I grabbed this shot not looking in the viewfinder because the insect wouldn't give me enough time to set for the shot.

One of the few last blooms of the ditch lily are still adding color to the garden.  The side view of the bloom makes it look more like a sculpture than a flower.

It is Monday and the day seems to have started too early. My body doesn't want to run any races today and my mind seems a little duller than usual. It is a blurry eyed day so I could be typing huge mistakes and not see it! It is a good day for the dogs to sleep as it isn't very bright inside or  outside.  It sounds like by the end of the day though we will have lots of sun and it will be hot and humid. It will be a really true Iowa summer weather wise the nest few days. All hot days and all hot nights to remind us that we live on the prairie.

I appreciate your stopping by today.  Do stay safe and enjoy your day.

No one has ever asked or criticized (and I am surprised about that) as to why I do dots at the end of my title.  I almost always do that since my first time I started.  I know English teachers teach that you have to put words at the end of that pause and sometimes I do.  I think it was a nervous habit to write the title and just type a few dots as to pause to begin.  The blog is the completion of that that is why.  Well I think that it the reason but......maybe not.


  1. I haven't asked because I have never noticed it ! The funny thing is that I do the exact same thing most of the time I write a post.

    The title.....leads you into the rest of the post. It is my pre-lim.

  2. I just took the dots as your style. Every blogger has one.
    Love the early morning photos. Hope your Monday perked up.

  3. I had not noticed the dots. I do that sometimes in a sentence when I don't know what else to do!!! lol
    Love the butterfly shot. My car had a dead battery when I went to the garage this a.m. With all of the driving/moving etc., I am so thankful that it happened at home and not on the road. It was hot/humid here today but we did receive rain this aft.
    Wishing you two and the pets a good night.

  4. Oh I use ...all the time. My daughter the English Professor says use three dots so that is what I do:)
    This is your blog and you can do whatever you want here!! :)
