Saturday, August 27, 2016

Satruday's Stuff.........

We did have bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches for supper last night.  A real tomato has the best flavor especially when it has ripened on the vine.

Weathered and wilting but the color persists.  I will trim them back and try to get one more set of blooms off of this bush. 

The sunrise that I would have liked to have shared was Friday mornings show.  The colors were pink and purple.  The color was such a narrow strip and if I had a crane to climb I could have taken a great shot. This shot was taken on Thursday and the evidence of the earth tilting continues to show in this photo..  Soon the sun will be seen behind that tree on the right.

While walking through the house I had to take this shot of one of my wife's paintings.  It is a striking image and here detailing is so great on this bald eagle.

I am heading south this morning to go to a funeral in Osceola, Iowa. A first cousin died, one of the older ones from the my dad's side of the family.  Of all of the cousin's on that side I am the youngest.  Jerry was 77 years old. My brother from Yorba Linda, California will be at the funeral so it will be good to see him and catch up on his families news.

Our weather has turned to fall now and we are cooler and grayer outside.  The sprinkles of rain seem to be dogging us all of the time almost everyday.   School is starting and we can now hear the action and sounds of football games on Friday nights from the stadium a couple of blocks away of our house. That is a sure sign of fall with the games begin.   I am headed to southern Iowa and I will take my camera with me.  I live on the prairie and the south is far more like rolling hills with creeks and timber.

I wish you all to have a great weekend and thank you for stopping by today. 


  1. Yes, my tomato sandwich is toasted cheeze whiz and tomato. I'd take bacon too. there's nothing like vegetables out of the garden.

  2. Della's painting is lovely.
    My sympathy in your loss. I hope you enjoy time with your brother catching up.
    The first home John and I had was within walking distance of the high school. I can still remember the sights/sounds of football nights!

  3. I am sorry about your cousin, but it will be good for you to see your brother.
    Cool up here today, but I hear Summer will return this week:)

  4. Nice tomamto harvest. It's just a special time of year when the tomatoes are ripe!
