Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Sunday Times........not the paper.

My return visit to the cornfield proved fascinating.  The morning glories are playing the role of weeds that are incredibility out of control. I am betting that the farmer who rents this land does not have a clue as to what is going on in this one field.  My conclusion is that the young son prepares the soil, the farmer plants the seed and the herbicides used didn't work. When the field is harvested, the farmer will see the corn field for the very first time. From what I could see, as far as I could see, the morning glories have taken over the entire 13 acres of corn.

I saturated my viewers with shots of the swallowtail so here is a different one. The red admiral cooperates  with having its photo taken.

This smaller butterfly kept bothering the red admiral.  It wanted to be on the same flowers as the red.  Finally it just landed on the leaves below to warm its wings in the sun.

I don't see the honeybee as often because they are smaller but I do know they are out there.  They helped pollinate the fruit trees early spring.  The bumble bee is easier to see and I have them landing on blooms everywhere.  They love the bee balm flower most but they are on the coneflowers and now zinnias a lot of the time.  The camera can't decide on what it wants to focus on so it is hard to get the bee to come in clear.

Just to prove to all that I don't just shoot flowers, bugs and bees I will share the sight as I walked to the cornfield. 

The neighbor flies his two flags year round with a light that turns on at dark.  While he was living in Florida the flag "did yet wave" all winter. The photo also shares the basketball setup and some great clouds and trees.  The trees you see are the ones that are in my early morning sunrise shots. For those who are not of the USA the bottom flag is our state flag.  That flag does not weather well as it has to be replaced every once in a while.  The cloth of the flag must be of poor quality.

Life is busy.  Life can be tough and life is not predictable. It has been a different kind of summer for us and I now see it coming to an end. Time moves on and there are so many things I meant to do. I am hoping the next few weeks will be a time of completion for some of my projects and yet there is more fun to be had.  I wish you all to have a good Sunday day and all is good with you.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Those Morning Glories seed like crazy...hope hey don't get in your flowers:) They are pretty against the sky:)

  2. One thing about it that corn field must be a
    beautiful sight with all that glory!
    You are getting some good photo's.

  3. Glad to see the morning glory updates. Not sure if they'll really impact the corn harvest though. Should sort out fine if it's field corn and they're collecting the cobs.

    Have a great Sunday.

  4. I enjoyed your visit to the corn field. Loved the butterflies, morning glories and the neighbor's flag. We have a solar light that shines on our flag at dark. We still need to put the flag holder up.

    I hope you both will have a good week.

  5. Don't think I've ever seen such flowers in a corn field.

  6. I bet that cornfield was beautiful! Great butterfly, bee and flower shots.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady
