Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Things and Other Stuff.........

The little dog brings benefit to my life by showing me the sunrises in early morning.  When Button was younger I would take him out in the middle of the night and I was blessed to see the stars in formation.  I think the views of both are so worth the time in my life.  I would have missed the stars and the sun without his needs of having me take care of him.  It is all so worth it.

The colors in the sky were so much more softer and yet just as dramatic as the bright red and yellow sunrises. We are cooling off a little but the humidity is still hanging around.  The cool air that we let into the window in the morning is of a low temperature but the humidity has to eventually be removed by the conditioner.

The grass is wet every morning from dew and it takes longer each morning for it to evaporate.  I have more grass to cut today but I get to slide into it while waiting for it to dry.

 I need to get the Knock Out rose planted today. I know it has survive in a pot all summer but I think some good Iowa dirt will make it feel better.  I lost the one rose like this a few years ago.   My wife and I will discuss the place to plant it.  It does say on the label to plant it in full sun for most of the day. Roses do not do so well in Iowa unless you spend all your time just on that flower.  We have parks wth rose gardens and they really work hard to get them through the winter.  My solution was to by a William Baffin rose which is a Northerner at heart.

It is Tuesday and the day is an unplanned one.  I have things I can do and none of them are at the top of the list.  I have a beautiful pile of old shingles in a pile that I have removed from the art gallery roof.  It will take a few weeks to get them all shipped to the landfill.  I will bag some of them every day until they are all ready to go on the truck.  Rather than trying to load them on a truck, which I don't own, I can send them away in small batches at a time.  In a couple of weeks they will be all cleaned up and gone. I may share a few of them with my neighbor's garbage bins, of course, with their permission.

Thank you for stopping by today.  Have a great Tuesday......... all day. 


  1. We are still getting rain coming up from the coast.
    They sure got it bad down there.

  2. Glad you and Button share these special views during the night and now in early morning. I've never felt comfortable walking Theo until our recent move. I have enjoyed it very much. Glad to hear your air is a little cooler. I know you will be happy for the humidity to improve. Your plan to slowly get rid of the shingles reminds me of our boxes. We must have had 75 boxes we used to move stuff in. Each week we put out a few for the garbage man. Next week should finally get rid of them all! lol Best wishes with the rose - it sure is pretty.
