Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thursday's Things........

It finally bloomed on August 17th and here was my very first shot of it. By this morning it is already gone.  That is the natural actions of a morning glory.

From the view there are more buds to open.  The flower isn't quite like a day lily as it was not in bloom today but you can see the next bud that will open probably tomorrow. The white really is a drastic change in color to all my photos of the cornfield glories of purple and magenta.

I shared a similar photo on my Photo a Day blog.  The earth is tilting and now the sun can be seen again on my narrow open of the sky. There is now wind today as you can see the flag is not moving on the flag pole. I really can't crop out the corner of my house as the sky would be limited.  I guess it makes it more like an urban sunrise.

I put these plants in the granite ware pan a year or so ago. I keep the plant inside at most times of the year but I like to put it out under the grill in the summer where it gets light and won't get sunburned.  I don't want to put a hole in the bottom of the antique pan so when it rains four inches I have to turn it sideways and let it drain. The plant is like an aloe.  It may even be an aloe, but whatever it is I keep getting more of it as I move it into more containers. I can't even kill it when I drown it.

The trellis on the porch is starting to fill in now.  It is a perfect place for the vine to be but it is hot there in the afternoon.  I have to water it everyday to keep it from wilting. The vine itself is trying to grow up over the roof. I may have to just cut it back when it gets too tall. The morning glory does not like to vine downwards.

The hostas have had a great season but the excess rain is now causing them to brown up on the edges. They have all bloomed now and when the first frost comes they will shrivel up for a winter's rest. I have plans to move a bunch of hosta snd to give some away to a neighbors garden.  Plans and time need to balance out but I sure hope I can get that done.

The parent planting of this big hosta is very small and crowded this year.  I planted this one here last year and it has grown so large. I will move more of the original to some new locations.

I will stop the rambling for today and get this posted.  We are to be in the 90s today and it will be summer again.  I am hoping that the floods and fire can come to an end soon for those who are in the thick of it. Some of my blogging friends are getting much needed rain right now and that is good.  Thanks you for stopping in today. 


  1. Wow is that some bloom or what!! Are you sure you didn't have some Moon Vine seed? That bloom looks so large for a Morning Glory. Whatever it is stunning! Your sunrise is so pretty:)

  2. Larry, you've outdone yourself on this first photograph - what a beauty! Your hosta are so large and pretty. With all the deer here, I don't guess I can ever grow hosta. It's been in the 90's here but we were blessed with a few rain showers today. Have a good evening.

  3. Yep, It looks like Aloe. My mom started with one small plant my grandparents gave to us when they lived in Florida. by the end, everyone who even hinted interest in it, got one! We had Aloe everywhere in the kitchen. It is amazing how resilient they are.

  4. I've laid containers on their sides too when we get too much rain. Nice to know I'm not the only person to do that. That white is stunning. You got the photo with great light.
