Friday, September 2, 2016

Gone but Still Loved.........

With Button having to go outside in the early morning these past few years I was blessed with seeing sunrises each day.  I took this sunrise this morning by myself as Button passed away last evening.  I will continue to take as many sunrises as I can now and will smile.  He was the best dog ever and blessed me and my wife so much.

It was our joy to have had him for 18 years as our sidekick and friend.  He loved to be carried and close to us everyday.  His last days were tough  and we carried him continually. Button was such a warrior. We will carry him in our hearts the rest of our lives.


  1. I am so sorry for your loss of dear Button.

    Love, hugs and prayers for you and your dear wife at this time.


  2. I am so very sorry. We loved Button too through your blog. Sunrise will remind you of Button the way green beans remind us of Harriet. My heartfelt sympathy in your loss.

  3. So sorry you have lost Button, we do miss our sidekicks.
    We could never replace our Blackie.

  4. So sad losing a family member. Dogs are family after all. (as well as cats) 18 years is a long time in dog years though. Sounds like he had a pretty good life. He'll live on every time you enjoy one of those sunrises.

  5. Oh no, such sad news, I know you and Della loved him very much. My sympathy to you both and Barney too, you did good showing him sunrises! They will be an empty spot for a long time, for us your readers you made us love him too. Rest in Peace Button and run free in the sunshine:)

  6. So sorry Larry. Yesterday was one year that our dog Jack left us. Thinking about you guys.

  7. So sorry, though 18 years sounds like a very good dog life!

  8. Awww....I'm sad for you, and can empathize with the kind of pain that you are feeling. How very blessed you were, as was Buttons, to have each other for so many years. And what a loss !

    Piper has been gone over a year now, and today was the first time I have seriously considered getting another puppy. With James and me both getting into the years where hospital stays are always a possibility, we agreed that only having a cat (which can use the litter box if left alone overnight) was a smarter choice for us. But today I was tempted when a couple of boys had 7 puppies in kennels out near Walmart. They were going to be small dogs, and I told myself that if the one that I wanted was there when I was ready to go home, I would see about getting him. The Lord seems to know when I'm temmpted, because someone else claimed him before I finished. So be it.

    Enjoy your memories and take your time with your's natural. Button was a good friend.
