Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday Mentions..........

Clear skies this morning and it is cold.  The rain predicted this afternoon will probably change this look that we have right now.

The monarchs were fluttering yesterday as they seem to be having a small migration in the yard.  In the years past we would have thousands of them but weather pattern changed and they started to follow the Missouri River which is way west of us.  I assume everyone knows they are headed to Mexico.

As they would feed on the sedum they would open up their wings as if they needed to correct their balance.  This guy is a little beat up with his white lines on him.  I also didn't tell you, that there were only about 7 of them out there at the time Sunday afternoon.

I was running short of photos, so having these guys show up helped me fill up the storage file.  I had trouble with macro on them as they would move and the macro took too long to set up to catch them in the opened position. I have a few interesting motion shots of them that I will share along the way.

On Saturday my wife helped me to paint over some raw wood on the porch addition.  I haven't finished the roof here un the porch addition but it was good to get paint on the new stuff and fresh paint on the old parts of the porch. I will paint the trellis this fall after the frost has taken out the morning glory plants.

It was good to get some of these outside jobs done.  I also cleared up the mess from the fallen small tree in my yard.  I have lots of wood to share with people who might want a bonfire.

I am back in the classroom again teaching literacy and grammar.  I had to take home the book to read the days assignment.  I got it done while watching PBS coverage of the 9/11 event that took place 15 years ago.

I hope all are well today.  Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. The sunrise and butterfly photos are beautiful. The cooler temps make chores in the yard a little easier.
    Wishing you a good day at school. Give my best wishes to Della.
