Saturday, September 10, 2016

Saturday's Morning Sky.......

It is cold this morning and the color of the sky looks a lot more like fall.  We were 55 degrees F. this morning and it will not be warmed to a good temperature until this afternoon.

The pink sedum is looking so perfect this year.  I tied up the branches this year to keep them upright.  I do think that our frequent rains kept the plant so green that I now have perfect blooms. I like the star shaped small flowers of this plant.

I am showing another shot of the burning bush with its healthy set of berries on the shrub.  This shrub really is one of the first to start to change colors in September.  I do get a few yellow leaves that drop off of the river birch and land in the grass.

It is nice to see a few more blooms hanging on for me to see. They seem to be failing a lot sooner this year but they did bloom earlier this spring.  With the air so cold I won't be working outside this morning.  I have some painting to do on some boards that I replaced on the side porch.  I still need to finish picking up logs and sticks from one of the trees that the guys cut down for me. It was the smaller one of the two and I need to trim off the dead branches and pile up the logs that the one guy cut up of the tree.   It is so nice to have those two dead trees out of there. 

We are eaded to the bookstore for a while and will be home to work all afternoon. I hope everyone is having a good day today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. So far it is a nice sunny kind of day here, but could change to rain later. You have had great flowers this year. We are still to hot, looking forward to 55 in our mornings.

  2. A morning at the bookstore sounds very nice. Your morn temp was quite cool. Don't overdo in the yard later today. I love seeing your burning bush with the berries and the late zinnias.
