Friday, September 30, 2016

The Last...of September.

I have shared shots of this before now but I keep wanting to  post it again.  The yellow is such a great color. 

The "knock out" rose is really slowing down now.  I hesitate to say that this is the last bloom as the plant seems to make a liar out of me.  I have a bud formed on one of my other roses and I do think it might get that final bloom if nor the season.

The skies are clearer with few clouds in sight.  The colder the temperatures the clearer out skies will look.

The mornings are crisp and clear with not much color in the sky.  Cloudless sunrises are good but a few clouds would help us see the sunrise in a better way.

I may have to bring in the mandevilla inside as it feels like it is too cold for a tropical plant. I don't want to stop its blooming but bringing it in may do that.

We have plans for the weekend to go see a couple of little boys and their parents.  It is a long journey but we haven't done the trip for a while. If I can get some photos taken I will be back tomorrow.  If I don't show up on the net tomorrow we are all okay.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Love the Mandevillas, but my favorite here is your first shot. The gorgeous fall yellow color! Looks like sunflowers!

  2. Good for you, a visit with your Grands will be great! Yes I like yellow too, have a great weekend!

  3. I enjoyed these photos very much. I know you will enjoy your visit and I look forward to the photos.
