Saturday, October 29, 2016

Saturday Sag...........

The burning bush as started to change color. I has held out staying green for a long time. The top of it changing first seems different but I guess the Japanese yew does protect it some on the one side.

The view of the second one shows that bush having almost shed its leaves weeks ago.

The burn pile has its own look as it waits for me to cut up the lilac branches. The pile of lilac branches are behind the fence so I don't see them but I will get that done in the next couple of weeks.

I look like Charlie Brown right now as I am struggling with fixing my one door.  The one who installed it, me, did it in a hurry a few years back.  Time has shown that I have to go back and rework it.  The door started to sag and as I looked at it I had two problems.  I have a particle board base, that took in water and decomposed.  I raised the corner of the door frame up and placed a good piece of plywood under it. The second thing was that I had not attached the frame to the opening adequately.  When I return to the job I will finish quickly.  A break from that job is needed as door hanging can be a pain in the back. When winter hits there will not be any drafts of below zero air coming into the house.

Thank you for stopping by today.  We have warm weather and sunshine today.  It will be the hottest in late afternoon.  I wish you all well.


  1. Love the red of the bush. Cute CB coffee mug. John and I have had to trim some of the doors here, and we need about 4 more hands to get the job done! It is back breaking work. We hired a guy to do the exterior door and "show off" that he was, he did it by himself without a struggle! lol lol

  2. Wow, that Burning Bush is beautiful!!!

    Door jobs are not easy, sometimes, even for people who do it for a living. I hope it all goes smoothly for you and that you will be sealed up against winter winds.

    Happy Fall ~ FlowerLady

  3. Beautiful color!
    I hope you get your door fixed. My entry door on my garage needs an new threshold...which probably means a whole new door...but not this year. Hope you have a good Sunday:)

  4. I love your pictures of autumn !!
    Happy Sudnay !
