Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tuesday's Things......

This is a larger than life bloom from out by the garden shed.  A stray morning glory has a vine growing out into the yard.  It is a very small bloom that was still in bloom this evening while I was out there looking around for things to photograph.

What was growing on the trellis next to the red bloom on the ground was this blue morning glory.  The vines are almost dead so I am grateful to get any photos from the blooms on the vines.

A simple job goes bad as I moved the antique bookcase away from the window.  I needed to remove the air conditioner and generally I swing the bookshelf out of the way.  The bookcase was made by my step Great Uncle John Horton who fifty years ago cut up table boards with a hand saw and created this shelf.  The design isn't so good as it allows me to have my books to far back on the shelf.

It was a loud sound as all the large books on the top, the medium sized books on the second shelf, and all the vhs tapes on the third shelf fell onto the floor. Everything stuck too far to the back and all just fell out the back of the shelf.  It seemed like it happen in lest than three seconds.  I see now in the photo that my socked foot is in the shot also.

My wife could not imagine what I had done as she was doing correspondence on her computer to a art buyer.  She stopped a minute to see that it didn't fall on me and had to get back to her work. I started sorting and tossing of old things.

The incident took three seconds, darn gravity, but the clean up took a lot longer.  The photo shows the air conditioner gone from the window and thirty or more vhs tapes in the garbage. It is a good thing as it helped us to get rid of unnecessary stuff. The big heavy books are now on the bottom on their sides and the rest is back on the shelves.  I have a whole top shelf ready for refilling of more books and things. Spring cleaning in the fall is a good thing.

On a side note, I asked the son John Horton if he would want this bookcase.  John had made it for my mom.  The son, Loren, said that he had eight or more of these to distribute to all his brothers and nieces and nephews.  "Just keep it and enjoy the piece," he said to me. 

The zinnia is such a great plant as it keeps putting out new blooms even when their are many dead or partly dead blooms on the stems.  I have many new buds right now and blooms.

It is Tuesday and school keeps me so busy.  We had windy weather again to day and it didn't warm up much.  I have been wearing a coat to take Barney on walks each evening and the promise of a slight frost isn't too far way in the week.  Thank you for stopping by today.  Take care, everyone.


  1. Good Morning, Very nice photos of the late Morning Glories and Zinnia. I can only imagine how startled Della was to hear those books falling! John now yells out "I'm OK" after a crash like that! Over the weekend, I went thru a lot of my books and donated many to the thrift store. Sorry that school is keeping you so busy.

  2. That is the way my jobs go sometime, now that I get books on line for my Ipad ( e-books ) not so many books to dust. But I do still have lots of books.
    We are just cool not cold yet and the flowers love it.

  3. Sometimes, opportunities to clean find us. :-) Nice to have a hand made bookshelf.

  4. Love your flowers! They brighten up my day! Well look at you Fall House cleaning! :)
