Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving......

It is a cloudy day and 40 degree; there is no snow.  We will travel about 20 miles to see the kids.  Our Chicago area family is arriving around noon at a motel in Des Moines.  They have booked a suite where we are will deliver a Thanksgiving dinner. We haven't seen our grandsons for a couple of months so it will be nice to see how much they have grown.

Google has been messing with the settings on blogspot. It is a challenge to find all that we lost in the change.  I finally found my readers list that I follow in a column at the left of the blogging visual.  It looks like they have banished the dashboard and hidden parts of it here and there.  My wife and I did finally find most everything but it was a struggle.

I wish everyone a great day this Thanksgiving day.  I am grateful for my friends on the blog and I hope everyone hassomething good to eat today.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving! Yes I noticed that Blogger had some changes..I wondered why? Just when you get used to something they change it up :(
