Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Sad Day for All of Iowa......

Two officers were murdered this morning in the Des Moines area. Each were on duty in their cars and were shot by a very disturbed man.  One was shot close to the location of our church in Des Moines and the other was near a high school in Urbandale.    The whole state is in shock and is disappointed. The man had been in jail and was released.  He was arrested in the late morning walking down a roadway west of the Des Moines area.

I have been very busy at school as the grading of papers is a priority.  I can't seem to keep up but I will get it done.  Special projects, quizzes and writing notebooks need to be done before the end of the nine weeks. That will be Friday.  I will have only one more week to teach and then I am done.

Warmer weather seems unusual but is very welcomed.  I appreciate your stopping by today.


  1. I was so sorry to hear about that earlier today.

  2. I agree that it was a sad day not only for those who live in Iowa, but for all of us. The senseless killings of anyone is hard to understand, but when police officers are killed it somehow seems harder. My thoughts are with the families of the slain officers.

  3. Sad day for sure, for all Policemen everywhere. So sad for their families. :(

  4. What horrible news and so sad for the families and friends who lost these two men.

  5. Our hearts were so heavy to learn of these two cold blooded murders of police officers.
