Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thursday's Thoughts, not so much.......

It has been a busy day for me and blogging with quality isn't going to happen.  I really like my new computer.  It is a breeze to use in comparison with all the older ones that I use.  It is larger than the computer that I have used for 10 weeks at school and I just can't use a small screened computer.

I am still busy so I will just give you a short blog spot today.  Maybe tomorrow I can share why I have been so short on time.  I will be teaching my last day of school tomorrow. Unless there is a tragedy or family criss among my teacher friends I have not plans to ever return to work there and will b on to my own projects and things in life.

Thanks for stopping by and Iwill try harder to put up a blog of plenty rather than a blog of very little things.  Take care.


  1. Life happens ! We understand.

    I hope you get to slow down and choose your pleasure each day. God is SO GOOD !

  2. An a happy content life it will be!

  3. Today is your last day!! You made it! Now you can do your own stuff! :)
