Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve.......

The sun is coming up to the farthest distance to our south now. It is starting its change as the earth is tiling back starting the past  three days.  We have a frosty and foggy morning today. The fog changes the color of everything with the light being diffused and by having to look through all that moisture.

The ones wrapped with Christmas paper are to be taken to the Arlington Heights area.  The light fixtures were purchased to replace the old one in our art studio.  The fixtures that hang there for 30 years, now have decided to short out and continually blow light bulbs.  The replacement of the fixtures  will now have to be an after Christmas project. I really needed to get one up as I had to shut down one of them. I kept having sparks fly while putting in a bulb.  I am hoping the new fixtures will be of a better quality. Those who are not familiar with the room, the ceiling is an open slant ceiling. The fixtures on the west side of the room hangs on a two foot chain and the one to the right of that hangs on a five foot chain because of the height of the ceiling.  We like to have lots of light in the art space and the old two really work well for that purpose.

I always have great memories of my Grandmother Brooks making her fruitcakes.  I would see her make them up every December,r baking them in empty metal coffee cans.  I once spent a couple of weeks with her while school was going on and my parents were in Arizona. As I had breakfast she would throw her ingredients together and pour the dry batter into greased coffee cans that were also lined with wax paper. The process requires them to bake for a very long time.

Another woman, marred to my dad's cousin, use to also make it.  She made a big deal of telling people she made them way in advance.  She would pour the rum or whatever over it for a few months to get it ready to eat and I do remember her cake was delicious.

This is a commercially made cake and only one of us likes to eat it.  I know it will last me a good month. I like having it with coffee in the afternoons and, yes, in the evenings too. My wife did make them for a while when we were first married and she still would do that if I asked her.  I don't ask, as it is something beyond the normal routine to make during a very busy season.  I use to pick up the small rectangular slabs of them. They were sold that way, hidden over in the corner somewhere in the store, as most people don't like to eat fruitcake.

We threw together a basket for our neighbor lady this morning and I will have to deliver it later today.  My wife made her world famous fudge and some of that will go with the basket.  Our weather is going to change plans in our area as it seems do around Christmastime. We may not make it into church this evening nor even on Christmas day.  Freezing mist is predicted whenever and wherever for the next couple of days.  Staying home is not a bad thing but we would have liked to go to one of the events this weekend.

I do wish everyone to have a safe holiday and a Merry Christmas.  Thanks for checking in today on my blog.


  1. Lovely misty scene. It is partly sunny breezy, humid and warm here in s.e. FL.

    I like some fruitcake, not all.

    Merry Christmas and have a great 2017 ~ FlowerLady

  2. You have made me hungry with your photo of the fruit cake and talk of your wife's fudge! We are warm today for Christmas and there is a chance of rain. God bless your Christmas Day.
