Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday's a Go..........

It is time to bring out the camels and display them.  They are bisque ware items that have never been glazed.  I am into sculptural forms and I have decided to leave them in this form.  The person that carved the original camels in order for them to manufacture the clay mold was a very talented person. There is a long story behind how I have them but I will spare you the information.  I did buy a set of kilns, one for me and one for the school, at a very low price.  A lot of molds came with them but the molds for the camels were not with them.

The manger scene has been set up and the lights are all on the mantle.  We have one last major decoration to do, the village, and then we will be done.

It isn't Christmas on my blog without me sharing my penguin girl ornament.  She is sort of in a blur.  Her perfect snowflake design on her stomach is wonderful.  I think she has rough own her face and I think there is a purse on her arm on the other side of the ornament.

Our focus for the next few days is to get the things done that we do for others during Christmas.  The weather is keeping us from going anywhere.  We may venture out later this afternoon before the snow starts to fall.  We were -2 F yesterday morning and this morning we were 15 degrees F. That is almost 18 degrees difference from one morning to the other.  We will drop down in temps again though.  I can see now we missed a snow storm by a half of a state.  It was traveling through the southern states below us.  The other is traveling north of us.  I don't doubt that we will not get hit and eventually we will get our fair share of snow.

Everyone stay safe and thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. We are on the Northern Edge of todays storm, supposed to get about an inch of snow so it will have to warm up...then the really cold cold is coming so brace yourself. I will fill the feeders today so tomorrow they will be okay:)

  2. Your decorations are beautiful and unique! But I love your header the best. How glorious with the pines and the lone bird. It is really beautiful!

  3. Larry, I think you may misunderstood my last few posts. Those mountains aren't where we live. We were out in British Columbia visiting our daughter. As you'll see by today's post, we have plenty of snow here in Ontario!
