Thursday, December 1, 2016

It Is Time.......

December 1st and it is time to start the process.  The act of decorating itself is a treat for us as we like to have the house looking festive.  There is not a single decoration up or the manger scene taken out of the box but those things can happen quickly.  We had a skiff of snow yesterday with snow still on the roof now but not on the ground. I am threatening to make a list but I think I will just go with the flow for now.  Lots of things to do today and I will do the most important things first.  We are colder now and it is feeling like winter definitely when we go outside.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Heard it snowed in Des Moines a day or two ago. No snow here in Wellman, but plenty cold. I have been waiting for you to post "white pictures" on the blog but nothing yet. Guess it must have either melted or been "mis-forcast". Anyway, I'm sure the year will not end before we see something....tis the season! hehe.

  2. You are happier about decorating than I am!! You rock! :)
