Saturday, December 3, 2016

Saturday's Drive By.........

Snow is on its way.  They are not definite about it but I know that it will happen.  My brain can not pull out the name of this plant but I think it might be a daylily.  I liked the sight of the leaves splayed out into a design.

Angel guy has made a move to being closer to the house. He sits on the porch right now where I can grab him and take him to the basement.  I still would like to get a photo of him with some snow on his head.

As I was walking Barnie yesterday afternoon I could see these leaves falling from the sycamore trees. They are so large that they look like the are bombing the neighbor's roof as it falls. Those leaves look like they are going to hold on for quite awhile through winter.

These field lilies are also looking pretty much spent.  I like the patterns on these plants also.

We spent a lot of our day yesterday buying a new car.  We felt spent by the time we were done.  We knew what we wanted for the car but the processes are amazing when you buy a car.  Our sales person was shocked to see how quick we pick out the car and more shocked that we wanted it now.  It takes three people to get a car purchased now.  The salesmen of course is the beginning of the process and the money man is the the middle man to be sure the car is paid for.  Then the young guy named Josh has to take an hour to explain all the electronic devices on the car.  I forgot that there is a conference session with the onStar people to get the tracking deices all set up and eventually paid for in the future. I am having problems shutting the engine off but the manual did tell me what to do.

I remember the ads in magazines of old with the older grey hairs were staring by they Buick car.  We are now those older people standing in the parking lot with our new sparkling white car.  It will be fun to use and to drive places in the future.  I think we will take it to the bookstore this morning instead of the Taurus. It definitely is not my fathers Buick.  In his case it was a Ford with a radio for electronics.  The new car seems to be a computer in motion.

Our weather is becoming ever-changing as we move into a true winter season.  A slight flurry is just a beginning of what will be coming our way.  I wish you all to have a great weekend.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Congrats on the new car, we are looking too...just looking. White would not do on our county roads, it would be a mess all the time and I have found many people cannot see a white car in the snow. We had a 1972 Gremlin that was white. Of course your streets are paved so it will stay sparkling longer! I had OnStar for awhile and never used it. :)

  2. New cars today are a load of sensors. Just think driverless cars are coming out sooner than we think.

  3. I find some things in our new electronic world are so complex that it's hard for me to keep up.
