Saturday, December 10, 2016

Snow is Falling........

I was trying to get a good photo of the juncos, which have returned for the winter from up north.  No such luck as I can see this is not a junco. You can see a few stray white lines from the snow falling.  Once it started snowing the feeder became crowded.

A sad photo of this junco does prove that I have this one.  They are fun to watch as they bob around the sparrows. As you can see I need to grab my wife's camera to get decent wild fowl shots.

Yep, a blurry shot of the red-bellied woodpecker.  He was working the seed pile when I took this, even though there is suet below him.

I have work yet to do.  I don't know if we will decorate all day but I do plan on getting the big tree up by nightfall. Maybe no decorations but a bare tree is a great start. The small tree on the dining room table is ready for lights and new garland.  I fixed the base on the tree so it is in good shape for me to assemble the decorations.

This is the "before" picture to share what I am talking about and we will see if I get an "after" shot by tomorrow.  We ran errands yesterday and avoided the snowstorm of today.   We picked up a ring of my wife's that had dropped one of its diamonds. It was a 25th anniversary ring and it is now good as new with the diamond newly replaced.  We hit the bookstore on Friday instead of today.  Lots of things to do and maybe a few rest periods can be included.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. We had -20 this AM so brace yourself:) I love your box of shiny ornaments:)

  2. No snow yet here, but the temps are low enough for a flurry or two :)
    Love your glass ornaments, timeless....

  3. I was actually trying to get a photo of a Junco today too, notvery successfully.
