Thursday, December 8, 2016


This aloe plant is one that has a lot of history.  My neighbor's friend lived near the Mexican border in the winter months.  She brought home this very large overgrown plant in a pot and gave it away.  I took a large section of it let it grow.  When it got so big and fell all over out of the pot I replanted it.  I gave a container of it fully grown to a teacher friend at school. This one was created because I had all the parts leftover from a replanting process of my large plant.  I think I have three large plants of it right now. It is a perfect plant to have if you don't like watering things.

The lights of the teddy bear trees put out a warm glow when I took this shot.  The tree itself has more stuffed dogs on it than bears but we still call it the teddy bear tree. The gravity-factor does make the tree to be one that you have to monitor. Bears and others can shift and fall while on the tree.

It is done.  I have had the project around too long and I don't like looking at it anymore.  I guess it is the emotional frustration that it caused that makes me not like it.  The frame was a struggle as I had to make my own due to the fact they quit selling the shadowbox moulding.  The construction of it gave me a lot of problems and I have imperfections in it that I could not prevent. The items were hard to arrange and the applying them perfectly didn't work well. The wood is a good oak and they of course are to all perfectly straight.

I applied things to that mat when it was laying flat.  In my first attempt to assemble it, the various pieces showed to me that I had not fastened things down enough.  Pot holders would swing in and out and lace pieces would sag. The old fashion plastic crochet hook had been cracked and I spent a lot of time getting it back together and attaching it to the backing. I did sew a lot of the things to the backing but that all needed to be double sewn as the things would sag.  All in all, I am ready for it to be out of the house.  It is my last frame job as we are wanting to remodel the whole art gallery area and not use it as a frames shop.  I will call the owner to come get it when the weather warms up a bit. I really do enjoy this kind of work but I would maybe like to do frame jobs of things of  our own.

The cold temperatures are overwhelming.  I walk Barney afternoon and evening.  He is old enough that he won't go outside in the backyard by himself later in the day.  I was dressed in three layers on the top part of my body and I still felt that I was too cold.  I was visible shivering half way through the walk.  I don't remember being so cold.  Barney does walk faster when it is so cold but it still doesn't stop him from sniffing at everything along the sidewalk. It really was the windchill that made 19 degrees F. feel like a -1 degree f.  I have plans to dress warmer tonight.  Cold temperature are too cold when it hurts while you are out there.

I hope all are well today.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. You did a wonderful job, what a treasure these people will have.
    I would love having something of a family members like that to hand down.
    We are getting some of that very cold weather here today with high wind, said we could see snow flurry's.
    Stay warm!

  2. Our dog has to get out too, but some days she's just a walking nose on four legs.! I get so frustrated trying to have a brisk walk.

  3. Left over from yesterday, but a quick look on Google finds bubble lights at Ace hardware stores and Target. Lot of other places, too, not counting the ever present Amazon. You can probably order them online and never have to go out in the cold.

  4. Well I am glad you are finished with your project, it turned out really pretty and the customer should be really pleased!! Good to see Barney! Yes Chance has to sniff too and if it takes too long we hurry him along! :)
