Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Tuesday's Things........

Our big tree is loaded with memory ornaments and some new decorative ones too.  We found a set of six red balls that had to be put on the tree after we thought we were done.

It is a meager attempt to having an outside decorated tree. I put out my reindeer figures with white lights wrapped around their frames and then wrapped this Austrian Pine tree with all the leftover lights that I found in the basement. I took the shot thorough a window and the back side doesn't look so good.  I have a set of those icicle lights on it as the wires don't show when it is dark.

I enjoy this silly set of snowmen.  I tend to think they are drunk but maybe it is just the silly faces make them look too friendly. I had this as a leftover item when my art kids would sell items for a fundraiser.

Another house in our village.  The hiding of the cords to the lights are difficult to do.  I really haven't worried too much about it as they do blend in with the fake snow.

We attended the visitation for Robert last night.  It was so cold to be out with a strong wind but we were glad that we attended it. Robert had lived to be 100 years old plus a few months.  His family honored him well with story telling and memories for all. My sister-in-law and brother will leave this morning and return to Arizona, where they live. It was such a drastic change for them to be in Iowa at the coldest ever time.  We will warm up today. We had seen them during the summer when they had a 100th birthday party for Robert,  so it was so different to be able to see them again a few months later.  It was for a sad reason but it was good to see them one more time.

We returned from the visitation around 8 o'clock, traveling home an hour and a half.  We stopped for milk shakes and coffee at McD's and enjoyed them as we drove home. They had to make fresh coffee ant that time of the day but it was still on the menu.  I had a minor pipe freeze and break right before we left so I returned to figure out what I have to do to fix that this morning. It was good timing for me, to get the water main shut off before we traveled south.

I need to shut this blog down for the day.   I appreciate your stopping by today.


  1. I hope you got your water pipe fixed, that is no fun. Your tree looks full of ornaments and it is beautiful:)

  2. Thanks for sharing your holiday home photos, Larry. We also have a village and you are so right about it being difficult to hide the cords needed to illuminate the houses.
